
IL-4-, TGF-ß-, and IL-1-dependent expansion of parasite antigen-specific Th9 cells is associated with clinical pathology in human lymphatic filariasis.


Anuradha, R.; George, P.J.; Hanna, L.E.; Chandrasekaran, V.; Kumaran, P.; Nutman, T.B.; Babu, S .


Journal of Immunology; .2013; 191; 2466-2473.   


Th9 cells are a subset of CD4 + T cells, shown to be important in allergy, autoimmunity, and antitumor responses; however, their role in human infectious diseases has not been explored in detail. We identified a population of IL-9 and IL-10 coexpressing cells (lacking IL-4 expression) in normal individuals. These cells respond to antigenic and mitogenic stimulation, but are distinct from IL-9 + Th2 cells. We also demonstrate that these Th9 cells exhibit Ag-specific expansion in a chronic helminth infection (lymphatic filariasis). Comparison of Th9 responses reveals that individuals with pathology associated with filarial infection exhibit significantly expanded frequencies of filarial Ag-induced Th9 cells, but not of IL9 + Th2 cells in comparison with filarial-infected individuals without associated disease. Moreover, the per cell production of IL-9 is significantly higher in Th9 cells compared with IL9 + Th2 cells, indicating that the Th9 cells are the predominant CD4 + T cell subset producing IL-9 in the context of human infection. This expansion was reflected in elevated Ag-stimulated IL-9 cytokine levels in whole blood culture supernatants. Finally, the frequencies of Th9 cells correlated positively with the severity of lymphedema (and presumed inflammation) in filarial-diseased individuals. This expansion of Th9 cells was dependent on IL-4, TGF- b , and IL-1 in vitro . We have therefore identified an important human CD4 + T cell subpopulation coexpressing IL-9 and IL-10, but not IL-4, the expansion of which is associated with disease in chronic lymphatic filariasis and could potentially have an important role in the pathogenesis of other inflammatory disorders.


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