
Spoligotyping of Mycobacterium tuberculosis isolates at a tertiary care hospital in India.


Suzana, S.; Sivakumar, S.; Uma Devi, K.R.; Swarna Latha, P.N.; Michael, J.S.


Tropical Medicine and International Health; 2017; 22: 703-707.      


Abstract: Objective: Spoligotyping is a valuable genotyping tool to study the genetic diversity and molecular epidemiology of Mycobacterium tuberculosis (M. tb). The aim of this study was to analyse different spoligotype patterns of M. tb strains isolated from patients with tuberculosis from different parts of India.


Materials and Methods: A total of 163 M. tb isolates were spoligotyped between January 2014 and January 2015. About 47% ( n = 77) were from patients with extrapulmonary tuberculosis; of these, 10 were MDR, and seven were Pre-XDR. Of the 86 M. tb isolates from patients with pulmonary tuberculosis, 25 were MDR, and 25 were Pre-XDR.


Results: We found 61 spoligo patterns, 128 clusters in the spoligotype data base (spoldb4 data base) with spoligo international type (SIT) number and 35 true unique isolates. The most pre-dominant spoligotype was EAI lineage (56), followed by Beijing (28), CAS (20), T(9), U(7), X(3), H(3), BOVIS_1 BCG(1) and LAM(1).


Conclusion: Although our study identified EAI, CAS and Beijing strain lineages as pre-dominant, we also found a large number of orphan strains (20%) in our study. Beijing strains were more significantly associated with MDR TB than CAS and EAI lineages. Further studies on large sample sizes would help to clearly describe the epidemiology of M. tb in India.


Keywords: Spoligotyping; Beijing strains; multidrug-resistant tuberculosis; XDR-TB; India

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