

Comparison of interferon gamma and interferon gamma-inducible protein-10 secretion in HIV–tuberculosis patients.

Basirudeen, S.; Rajasekaran, S.; Raja, A.

AIDS; 2010; 24; 323-325.

Interferon gamma (IFN γ )-based in-vitro assays have suboptimal sensitivity, especially in immuno-compromised individuals, which emphasizes the need for alternative markers for tuberculosis (TB) diagnosis. We compared TB antigens-specific IFN γ and IFN γ -inducible protein-10 levels in culture of whole blood samples from HIV–TB patients. We report that IFN γ -inducible protein-10 detects a greater number of HIV–TB cases than IFN γ and suggest that IFN γ -inducible protein-10 may be a better alternative marker for latent TB infection diagnosis among immunocompromised individuals.


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