

Cellular immune response to Mycobacterium tuberculosis -specific antigen culture filtrate protein-10 in south India .

Kumar, M.; Sundaramurthi, J.C.; Mehra, N.K.; Kaur, G.; Raja, A.

Medical Microbiology and Immunology; 2010; 199; 11–25.

Abstract: The Mycobacterium tuberculosis ( M. tuberculosis )-specific culture filtrate protein-10 (CFP-10) is highly recognized by M. tuberculosis infected subjects. In the present study, the proliferative response and IFN- γ secretion was found for C-terminal peptides of the protein (Cfp6 51–70 , Cfp7 61–80 , Cfp8 71–90 , and Cfp9 81–100 ). The alleles HLA DRB1 *04 and HLA DRB1 *10 recognized the C-terminal peptides Cfp7, Cfp8, and Cfp9 in HHC. Cfp6 was predominantly recognized by the alleles HLA DRB1 *03 and HLA DRB1 *15 by PTB. The minimal nonameric epitopes from the C-terminal region were CFP-10 56–64 and CFP-10 76–84 . These two peptides deserve attention for inclusion in a vaccine against tuberculosis in this region.

Keywords: CFP-10; HLA analysis; Epitope mapping; Overlapping peptides; Proliferation; Interferon gamma; In silico CFP-10; IL-4; ELISA; Tuberculosis


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