

Cytotoxicity responses to selected ESAT-6 and CFP-10 peptides in tuberculosis.


Kumar M, Raja A.


Cellular Immunology; 2010; 265; 146-155.   


Abstract: Cytotoxicity responses were studied for the ESAT-6 peptides Esp1, Esp6, Esp7, Esp8, and CFP-10 peptides, Cfp6, Cfp7, Cfp8, Cfp9 (synthetic 20-mer peptides) and the recombinant ESAT-6, CFP-10 proteins. Cytolytic molecules perforin, granzymes A and B, granulysin responses in healthy household contacts (HHC) and pulmonary tuberculosis patients (PTB), were studied by intracellular flow cytometry. Functional cytotoxicity was studied in both the groups for the peptides Esp6 and Cfp8 by an enzyme (lactate dehydrogenase) based assay. The results revealed that cytolytic molecule positive CD4+ and CD8+ T cells were increased in HHC in response to Esp1, Esp6, Cfp8 and Cfp9 immunogenic peptides compared to PTB. Functional cytotoxicity results showed higher cytotoxicity (not statistically significant) to be exhibited by the peptide Esp6 than Cfp8 in the HHC.


Keywords: Cytotoxicity; Perforin; Granzyme; Granulysin; ESAT-6; CFP-10


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