

Proficiency to read sputum AFB smears by senior tuberculosis laboratory supervisors under training at a reference laboratory in India.

Selvakumar, N.; Kumar, V.; Gopi, P.G.; Sivagamasundari, S.; Prabhakaran, E.; Vasanthan, S.; Narayanan, P.R.

Indian Journal of Tuberculosis; 2005; 52; 11-14.

Summary: Background : A national reference laboratory imparting training on sputum AFB smear microscopy to fresh Senior Tuberculosis Laboratory Supervisors (STLS).

Aim : To assess the proficiency of STLSs under training to read sputum AFB smears.

Methods : Each of 342 trainees read the same set of 15 to 20 Ziehl Neelsen stained smears in a blinded fashion on day–1 and on day-15 of the training programme. The smear results were matched with the original results.

Observations : The sensitivity, specificity, positive predictive value and negative predictive value of smear reading were 75%, 88%, 93%, 63% and 94%, 99%, 99%, 89% respectively on day-1 and day –15.

Conclusion : The sensitivity to read sputum AFB smears by fresh STLSs with little or no experience increased from 75% to 94% during the carefully planned training programme; the specificity increased from 88% to 99%. The study highlights the importance of training in improving the microscopy results.

eywords : Pulmonary Tuberculosis, STLS, AFB sputum smears.


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