

Prediction equations for maximal voluntary ventilation in non-smoking normal subjects in Madras.

Vijayan, V.K.; Sankaran, K.; Venkatesan, P.; Kuppu Rao, K.V.

Indian Journal of Physiology and Pharmacology; 1993; 37(1); 138-140.

Maximal voluntary ventilation (MVV) was measured in 256 healthy non-smoking adults (132 males, 124 females) aged 15-63 years living in Madras. The mean MVV (±SD) in males was 126.7±31.9 and in females 77.7±16.4. Regression equations were derived for men and women for predicting maximal voluntary ventilation for adults in South India. MVV in South Indians were similar to those reported for other Indian subjects, but lower than those reported for caucasions.


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