
Biological desorption electroscopy ionization mass spectrometry (DESI MS) – unequivocal role of crucial ionization factors, solvent system and substrates.

Manikandan, M.; Kazibwe, Z.; Hasan, N.; Anbarasu, D.; Gopal, J.; Pradeep, T.; Chun, S.


Trends in Analytical Chemistry; 2016; 78; 109-119.


Abstract : DESI MS, has been successfully employed for the analysis of molecules from a wide variety of surfaces without prior sample treatment. The efficiency of DESI MS relies on various parameters. However, those that critically affect the ionization of biological samples include: the solvent system and the sample or sample spotting surfaces. These parameters gain unequivocal dominance specially whilst dealing with sensitive and intricate biological samples. This review is meant to capture the attention of the DESI-MS researchers towards the crucial role of the solvent and sample spotting surfaces for successful biological DESI-MS. This review highlights these parameters as the backbone of the breakthroughs achieved in the analysis of biological materials of plant, bacterial, animal and human origins.

Keywords: DESI MS; Solvent system; Substrates; Biological samples; Sample spotting; Analyte ionization; Molecular imprinting


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