
Non-communicable disease comorbidities and risk factors among tuberculosis patients, Meghalaya , India.


Bibha, M.; Prabhdeep, K .; Rao , S.R.; Sriram, S .


Indian Journal of Tuberculosis; 2016; 63; 123-125.


Abstract: We did cross-sectional study to estimate the prevalence of tobacco, alcohol use, hyper-tension and diabetes among tuberculosis (TB) patients in comparison to the non-TB patients in East Garo Hills District, Meghalaya , India . We surveyed 110 TB patients attending outpatient TB clinic and 110 age/sex matched non-TB subjects from the general outpatient department as comparison group. Prevalence of ever smoking was 74.5% and 55.4%; alcohol consumption 31.0% and 22.3%; hypertension 24.5% and 17.3%; diabetes 7.5%, 4.5% among TB patients and non-TB subjects, respectively. NCD and TB programmes need integration in the primary care for screening, counselling and treatment of NCD co-morbidities.


Keywords: Tuberculosis; India ; Diabetes; Hypertension; Tobacco


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