
Variability in V1V2 and PNGs in pediatric HIV-1 viral variants transmitted through vertical route.


Ashokkumar, M .;, Tripathy, S.P .; Hanna, L.E .


AIDS Research and Human Retroviruses; 2016; 32; 942-943.


Fig.1: Representation of distinct features of V1V2 and PNGs in HIV-1 subtype C isolates obtained from children recently infected through mother-to-child transmission. Potential N-linked glycosylation sites are boxed in red . The shadow with blue indicates consensus sequences; the high intensity of color denotes more conservation and less intensity denotes less conservation. Reference sequence, HXB2, and the consensus sequence are shown at the top and bottom of the image and are highlighted in green and violet , respectively. (.) indicates identity to the consensus sequence and (+/-) indicates insertion/deletion at particular position. PNGs, potential N-linked glycosylation sites.


Keywords: Viral infectivity; mother-to-child transmission; antigenic domains; neutralization sensitivity; variable region; potential N-linked glycosylation sites


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